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Mermaid Fitness: What Is This New Ultra-Fun Trend?


After the recent craze for the Crossfit and the slackline considered as the sport of the summer, a new fun trend is emerging across the Atlantic: the "Mermaid Fitness". This rather funny sports practice is to move in the water like a mermaid, using fishtail wear on the legs.

Exciting wish, fitness mermaid would carve a figure of swimming with tapered legs, the muscular buttocks and a nice line of abs in a swimsuit for the less unusual. Because if the practice of swimming could already burn a lot of calories by muscling, play the Ariel in the water during a training session would have even more effect! So we put on her combination of scales and we play it mermaid this summer.

Conduct of a course

To carve a body of the water goddess, it is necessary to start by training on the ground.

Lying on their backs, their legs glued together, they are made to beat from above, trying not to touch the ground.

Then place the undulations of the bust, kind of belly dance made in mermaid.

Then reproduce these exercises simultaneously under water, using flippers.

When you feel that you are beginning to master the exercise, reward yourself by putting on a real (fake) fishtail to turn into a perfect little mermaid.

More and more centers offer this type of swimming pool course. Thus, we already practice fitness mermaid in Michigan, Toronto, Montreal and San Diego. Less focused on fitness than on the fun of becoming a creature half-woman, half-fish, a school of sirens has also opened in Marseille, France, and another should open soon in Paris. Do we throw ourselves into the water?

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