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7 Foods That Can Put Us In A Bad Mood


It's not for nothing if we call the belly the "second brain". This "lower brain" is home to more than 200 million connected neurons that transmit orders and decide our moods. In question? Serotonin produced by our gut. 90% of this chemical that regulates our mood is produced in our intestines. Essential for the proper functioning of our body, serotonin also has an action on sleep, sexual disorders, abnormal eating behavior such as bulimia, and aggression. Suicidal tendencies can also be explained by low serotonin production, as well as depression.

Asked by the American website Purewow Mental Health Specialist Rachel Kelly, author of The Happiness Diet, says that what we eat directly affects our mood and mental state. Some foods, in particular, would have the power to affect our serotonin levels and cause our discomfort or even trigger depression. Here are seven foods that have identified that are likely to be responsible for our bad mood.

1. Light drinks

Artificial sweeteners like aspartame found in light drinks contain an amino acid called phenylalanine. According to some scientific studies, a high level of phenylalanine prevents the production of serotonin.

2. Sweet treats

All sweet treats and other snacks aren't nutritionally valid. Before deciding on a chocolate bar or a granola, don't hesitate to compare the labels to choose the brand that offers a composition with a maximum of 8 grams of sugar. Many brands add mountains of sugar to their bars, which causes rapid and ephemeral increase in our energy. Problem: when our sugar level goes down quickly, the stress hormones are released by our body. Hence our bad mood.

3. Industrial sweets

In addition to being stuffed with sugar, industrial sweets are often made with artificial flavors and colors. The latter, consumed in large quantities, would be responsible for scientific studies of a deficit of attention in children, as well as an increase in hyperactivity. Prefer homemade candies, made from natural ingredients.

4. Fast foods

Do we really need to explain why junk food is bad for your health? Rich in trans fatty acids, burgers, and fries disrupt the proper functioning of our body by preventing the good omega-3 fat from doing its job. According to a study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the United States, low levels of good fatty acids are associated with a tendency toward aggression, depression, and pessimism.

5. The margarine

It's often misunderstood that margarine, made from vegetable fats, is better for health than butter. That nay. Made from unsaturated hydrogenated vegetable oils that prolong its shelf life, margarine is a trans fat reservoir, responsible for bad mood.

6. Salty snacks

Aficionados of the aperitif, know that popcorn, aperitif cakes and peanuts don't want you that good. Many of these savory snacks you surely love contain MGS, or monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer commonly used in processed foods. Used in large quantities, it can cause migraines and weaken the body.

7. Canned dishes

Canned soups, as well as beans or industrial chicken noodles also frequently contain AMS. In addition, these dishes are usually very high in salt, which affects our cardiovascular health.

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