We all know how important it is to rest. And even if you aren't always aware of it, some problems can be solved with a good night's sleep.
We already know the disastrous effects of a lack of sleep. Indeed, it would be the same thing as getting drunk at work. And as a bonus, you get a " sleep debt ". But we can catch up by adopting a healthy sleep routine. The benefits of resting well are endless. And nothing is better than a perfect night, including seven and eight hours of sleep, according to experts. While it will not solve all your problems with a magic wand, but you will find that a regular sleep will bring quick physical changes. Which will probably make you want to keep up. Here are the improvements that you will get by sleeping between seven and eight hours each night.
1. You will have a better memory
When you don't sleep enough, it's rather complicated to face the next day. It feels like a zombie and you can't even remember details, like our last meal or our last night's outfit.
According to the Sleep Foundation, a good night's rest helps keep all kinds of information. The areas of the brain that control the accuracy and speed are indeed more active in someone who has enough and well slept.
2. You will be in a better mood
You may not be surprised to learn that a good night's sleep makes you feel better. For sure. Between a night spent listening to his neighbor listening to Johnny Hallyday thoroughly and a quiet night, the choice is quickly made. So unless you're grumpy all the time, resting is the miracle cure for bad mood.
3. Your immune system will strengthen
The immune system/sleep deprivation relationship is quite confrontational and complex, but it exists. The less you sleep, the more likely you are going to get sick. Think back to the last time you had a cold: wasn't a day off and a good night? The quality of sleep helps the body's immune functions. The longer you sleep, the better your body will be able to protect itself from infections and fight against them. One night can make the difference.
4. You will be less stressed
When you sleep, the stress hormones go down. So the better the night, the less stressed and anxious you will be during the day. We must have noticed you one-day "Oula, you have not slept much, you are on the nerves!". It's not always the right reason, but it's likely. So rest here tonight, and what irritated you this morning will not be a source of stress tomorrow.
5. Your blood pressure will decrease
According to the Prevention website, blood pressure can drop "from about 5 to 7 with a good night's sleep". So unless you have other health problems that cause your blood pressure to explode, you just have to sleep. There is worse treatment.
6. You will learn more easily
Sleep is important and has an impact on our ability to grasp and understand information. "Studies show that a good night's sleep improves learning, whether you learn math, how to play piano, how to hone your golf swing or how to drive a car, sleep helps improve your skills. learning and problem solving,"
says an article from the National Heart Lung.
7. You will see things more clearly
We aren't talking about giving sight to the blind or visually impaired, but to clarify our minds. By sleeping well and enough, you will be more productive. Unfortunately, we don't wake up one day realizing that we have unsuspected abilities. Just say that if you rest your body, your brain will give it back. Quality sleep offers your neurons the opportunity to renew themselves and optimize our mental and physical abilities.
8. You will be less attracted by junk food
According to the Shape website, sleeping more can help you overcome cravings. Indeed, studies show that lack of sleep causes us to snack foods high in salt and sugar because of a decrease in the rate of ghrelin (the hormone that stimulates appetite). So, sleeping well can prevent us from being attracted to junk food. So, are you sleepy now?
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